Fibre optic sensory lighting kits
Discover the new fibre optic sensory lights
Fibre optic sensory lights create a calming sensory experience, ideal for adults and children. At Stellar Lighting we offer you different fibre optic sensory room lights with colour change options to provide exciting visual stimulation. You can change the colours easily by remote control to create a profound calming effect. Sensory lights are good for Autism, anxiety or sleep disorders.
Our fibre optic curtain lights are popular sensory ceiling lights for children's rooms. The fibre optic light strands are completely safe for children, since no electricity runs in the fibres. Fibre optic strands only carry light from the LED power source, creating an amazing sensory environment.
We offer free next working day delivery for sensory lights in the UK only for orders over £99.
The use of sensory lighting
These fibre optic lighting products have been specifically designed to use as sensory lighting. Sensory lighting has several benefits:
Therapeutic for children with Autism, ADD, people with anxiety, addiction, depression and insomnia.
Helps children to concentrate and improve their focus in a positive, fun and creative way
Tackle behavioural problems by calming children down, comforting and occupying them
Promote cognitive development by increasing brain functions
Improves balance, movement and spatial orientation
Can be a key component of a multi-sensory room
VAT-free sensory lights
We can provide the sensory lights VAT-free in line with HMRC’s VRDP05100 directive, point g). In order to qualify, please e-mail a signed and scanned copy of an eligibility declaration form in line with the guidance on this link. Please note that there is no set template for the form, so just make sure that the declaration covers all the points mentioned in the link. Please email the form to info@stellarlighting.co.uk mentioning the product you are looking for, the quantity and your invoice and delivery details including name, full postal address and telephone number.
Discover our fibre optic curtain lights and bundles
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